Guidelines for preparing abstracts

Delegates wishing to present a poster or oral communication at the conference, must submit an abstract before or on September 8th 2019. The abstract prepared as a Microsoft Word file, according to below guidelines should be submitted at
  1. Abstracts must be written in English and it is the authors’ responsibility to edit them and to ensure that there are no spelling or grammar mistakes.
  2. Proper sentence formatting, including upper and lower case letters, and single space paragraphs should be used.
  3. Abstracts (including Title, Authors and Affiliations) should be limited to a maximum of 3000 characters, including spaces and fit one A4 page.
  4. Structured abstracts should be provided including the sections: Abstract title, Author(s), and Affiliations, Background, Aim, Methods, Results and Conclusions.
  5. The presenting author should be listed first and it is expected to attend the conference. Additional co-authors may also attend the conference.
  6. Some of the submitted abstracts will be selected for oral presentations. Please register as a speaker if you wish your abstract to be considered for oral presentation.